Thursday, June 12, 2008

Liam Turns Eight

Today is Liam's eighth birthday. He started it early--around 4 am he got up, wanting to open his presents.

I don't know if other moms do this, but on the days leading up to my kids' birthdays, I relive the time just before they were born--the anticipation, the wonder, the suspense. I remember washing all his little gender-neutral clothes and putting them away, getting his nursery ready, packing my bag for the hospital (foolishly putting in non-maternity clothes for going home). I knew my life was about to change forever, but I had no true concept of what lay ahead. No one does. The moment I saw Liam's face, I recognized him. I knew him from somewhere. It was clear to me that we had unfinished business and eight years later, we are still sorting it all out.

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